


FADO E-LIST (March 2011)

FADO Performance Art Centre
E-bulletin March 2011

(Apologies for late and cross postings)

1. FADO presents EXTRA-RATIONAL: Emerging Artist Series 2011
Date: Saturday March 12, 2011
Song-Atmosphere-City-Song-Atmosphere by Marcin Kedzior

Date: March 3-5, 2011; Source: Ursa Vidic
Date: March 7, 2011; Source: Andrés Galeano
5. POSITION AVAILABLE: VIVA! Art Action (Montréal, Quebec)
Deadline date: March 10. 2011; Source: VIVA!
6. POSITION AVAILABLE: Hamilton Artists Inc. (Hamilton, Ontario)
Deadline date: March 11, 2011; Source: Hamilton Artists Inc.
7. EVENT: PAErsche performs at Orangerie
Date: March 15, 2011; Source: Boris Nieslony
8. EVENT: Acting Out, Claiming Space: Aboriginal Performance Art Series in Kingston
Date: March 15-19, 2011; Source: Modern Fuel, Kingston Ontario
9. EVENTS: LIFT Silent Auction and Workshops Fundraiser and registration
Date: March 17, 2011: Source: LIFT
10: CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Central Canadian Center for Performance
Date: March 18, 2011; Source CCCP
11. WORKSHOP: Studio 303
Date: March 21-25, 2011; Source: Roxanne Angers
12. EVENT: The Ecosexual WHITE wedding of Annie Sprinkle and Elizabeth Stephens
Date: March 26, 2011; Source: Stefan St-Laurent
13. EVENT: PAS Project – from me to you
Date: March 27, 2011; Source: BBB Johannes Deimling
14. CALL FOR PROPOSALS: ComPeung Grant 2011
Deadline date: March 31, 2011; Source: ComPeung
Date: April 26-May 1, 2011; Source: Karen Bernard
Date: May 3-4, 2011; Source: Verenca Stenke Pagne


1. FADO presents EXTRA-RATIONAL: Emerging Artist Series 2011
Date: Saturday March 12, 2011

FADO Performance Art Centre presents the 2011 Emerging Artists Series

Curated by Gale Allen
Iris Fraser-Gudrunas
Johnny Forever & Marisa Hoicka
Amy Lam
Amy Jenine Ling Wong
Lisa Visser

Saturday March 12, 2011
XPACE Cultural Centre
58 Ossington Avenue, Toronto

DAY PROGRAM / on-going performances: 12-6PM (FREE)
EVENING / performance event: 7PM (PWYC/$10)

Extra-Rational is a series of performances by emerging Canadian artists that embrace the aesthetics of popular culture and seek to recuperate/utilize these “low brow” processes of production and cognition. The artists in Extra-Rational intentionally make use of aesthetic choices and methods of production that directly challenge the rubric of highbrow vs. lowbrow culture. These artists use the position of the trivialized, the unmentionable, the frivolous, the carnal and the other as a means to challenge the rationalization of high culture.

Iris Fraser-Gudrunas is a visual artist, curator and filmmaker currently based in Toronto, Canada. Fraser-Gudrunas’ work investigates candid reactions ranging from apprehension to abandon. Fraser has exhibited and curated shows with many groups in Toronto including PleasureDome, Film Fort, Blocks Recording Club, Don Blanche Residency, Artscape Gibraltar Point Residency, Images Festival, Hart House Film Club and Splice This!

Johnny Forever (a.k.a. Johnny Nawracaj) is a Polish-born transgendered artist currently based in Montréal, Canada. Forever’s growing body of work includes durational/installation performance as well as staged pieces, which weave surrealist narrative through the use of song, video, dance/gesture and drag costuming.

Marisa Hoicka is an emerging artist who divides her time between Montréal and Toronto, Canada. Hoicka works in a variety of mediums including painting, performance, fibre art and breakdancing. She has exhibited her work in galleries such as Gallery 401 and Art Mur. Hoicka holds a BFA in Studio Arts from Concordia University.  

Amy Lam lives and works in Toronto, Canada. Lam is part of the conceptual comedy duo Life of a Craphead. Life of a Craphead regularly performs on comedy club and other live entertainment stages, most frequently appearing at the Rivoli in Toronto. Lam has completed residencies in the United Sates and the Netherlands and has presented work at venues such as Gallery TPW, Double Double Land and the Rhubarb Festival at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre.

Amy Jenine Ling Wong is a video and performance artist based in Toronto, Canada. Wong’s work investigates internet meme and online youth culture. Wong has performed and exhibited at venues such as Whippersnapper Gallery, JMB Gallery, White House, XPACE and Red Head Gallery. She is currently completing her BA in Visual Studies at the University of Toronto.
Lisa Visser is a visual artist and curator currently based in Toronto, Canada.  Visser’s work focuses on sculpture, performance, textile and printmaking. She holds a BFA from Queens University and is currently enrolled in the Interdisciplinary Master's of Art, Media and Design at OCAD University.

Gale Allen is a visual artist currently based in Toronto, Canada. Allen's practice investigates the aesthetics of revolt present in popular culture. Recent projects include You Call Yourself A Lady (Hysteria Festival, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre), All I Ever Wanted (Hatch, Harbourfront Centre), and Must be the colours and the kids that keep me alive (Pleasure Dome).

For full project descriptions, visit: http://www.performanceart.ca


Song-Atmosphere-City-Song-Atmosphere by Marcin Kedzior

Marcin writes about performances and the programme curated by Claudia Wittmann entitled: they perform on friday and on saturday they respond to friday presented by FADO on January 14 and 15, 2011.

Other recent articles on the FADO website include:

Natalie Loveless
Affect, Ritual and Materiality in FADO’s Survey From Singapore Flying Porcelain and

Emma Doran
Burning Liver: The Contested Spaces of Sinead and Hugh O'Donnell
Sandra Johnston's Ephemeral Monuments

Paul Couillard
Ritual Communication and Body Doubles: Attending (to) the Work of Monika Günther and Ruedi Schill

Check them all out here: http://www.performanceart.ca/index.php?m=page&id=72


Date: March 3-5, 2011; Source: Ursa Vidic

We started last year with the initiative of connecting with festivals addressing women creativity, and by a lecture and visual presentation introduced the City of Women at FEM Festival (Girona, Spain). This first step enhanced the interest in further collaboration in a form of programme exchange. Thus this year's FEM edition will have a special focus dedicated to the City of Women and the presentation of female performers' creativity from Slovenia and broader region. Due to the fact that Girona-based festival's objective is to present the pioneers of performing arts as well as promote female artists of younger generations, CoW selection encompasses Vlasta Delmar (Croatia), Dubravka Duba Sambolec (Slovenia) – both in the pioneer section – and Milijana Babi_ (Croatia) – section of younger generation performers.

From 3rd to 5th March at FEM Festival, Girona, Spain

3rd March
8.30 – Cinema Trufaout
Dubravka Duba Sambolec: video performance Conversion from the No Home Videos series (1999-2000)

4th March
9.30 am – 2 pm – Centre Cultural la Merce
Milijana Babi: collective performance Building a Bright Future the production of City of Women

6.30 pm - 8.30 pm – Centre Cultural la Merce
Audio-visual presentation by artists Vlasta Delimar and Milijana Babi

5th March
7.30 pm – 10.30 pm – Centre Cultural la Merce
Vlasta Delimar: performance Erzsebeth Bathory and action in the public space Men Have To Be Believed



Date: March 7, 2011; Source: Andrés Galeano

Grimmuseum, Fichtestraße 2 Berlin, presents:
curated by Andrés Galeano


Residence: 07.3. -13.3.
Performances: 10.3.2011 19:30h
Documentation: 11.3. -13.3.
Lecture: 13.3.2011 18h. Producing and exhibiting performance: a case study
by Solvej Ovesen

The 8th Extension Series presents performances of the German Florian Feigl and the Polish Arti Grabowski. This Extension’s focus is to create a show based on both video-performance and live performance. Combining mediated actions with actions in real time; the artists underline once again the differences between the live and the mediated, integrating both aspects in a complex performance/video-installation.

Florian Feigl (b. 1970) lives and works in Berlin, and has been creating performance art work since 1997. Besides solo work, Feigl also collaborates with various artists and artists' collectives (Wagner-Feigl Forschung/Festspiele, Jörn J. Burmester). Feigl co-organizes the monthly performance art event “Performer Stammtisch” in Berlin with Janine Eisenächer and Jörn J. Burmester, and curates the performance art event “Burmester und Feigl zeigen Performancekunst” with Jörn J. Burmester at Volksbühne Berlin. Feigl has been teaching performance art workshops at various German and European art schools and institutions since 2001. He also writes about performance art for German and international fanzines and art magazines.

His recent works focus on badly built balances, crash tests, unlucky circumstances and also recurrently on zombies. These subjects and their dynamics have recently drawn interest in fields such as artistic practice as research and organization of knowledge. Occasionally, they have also found surprising acknowledgment as possible applications within processes of urban and sociological development as well as co-operative entrepreneurship.

The focus of his most recent artwork is the experimental 24hour video 300. Prologue for 300 is a set of five-minute/300-second long performances. The performances are part of a body of approximately 300 sequences, which will form the planned 24-hour experimental video film 300. These performances explore many diverse fields such as the artistic, social, sculptural/iconographic and ethnological, amongst others.

The idea behind 300 is to cope with the massively increased use of the word “performance“ for and within a paralleled expansion in number of contexts and areas of knowledge, information and life. One must be aware that “performance“ appears in more and more areas and situations generally referred to as everyday life – in other words what is commonly perceived as reality. Life is rapidly becoming a series of performances – without clear boundary between performance and real life! Is everything actually performance? Is this a fact to be welcomed – or to be confronted? It is high time that we have specialists answering the question of what is and isn’t a performance.

Arti Grabowski is the son of a forester and a nurse. Molded from two opposite traits, he went on in life to become a boxer, sculptor, actor, painter, drummer, founder of the first local councils and youth parliaments in Poland and Ukraine, co-organizer of the first concerts of the Wielka Orkiestra Pomocy Foundation, and president of the Academic Sports Club at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kracow. This year, he ceased being a patriot, a Catholic and an artist.

He has been so discouraged by people that he has also ceased to be a man. Rather he is now but a performative animal immunized by the vaccine of absurd, distance, and enthusiasm. Sometimes he is unpredictable, but more often he is known as the heart of a dove. His work is a shaky idiom. It exudes a dose of emotions: it entertains, scares, surprises, but it is never boring. Sometimes he shows an uncompromising respect to himself and the audience - as proven by a collection of documented injuries acquired while performing around the world.

He admits that he had been sentenced to performance from the beginning, as he was born to a father who was a forester, miner, extreme rebel, and artist known for being a "painter of gesture." A true high school of art, which bore the name Tadeusz Kantor. He began his studies at the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts - the Mecca of living arts – and defended his Diploma at the Faculty of Sculpture in the performance art, which was unprecedented in Poland. Currently, he is finishing his Ph.D. proceedings and co-runs Poland's first Performance Art Studio at his alma mater with Prof. Artur Tajber. He lives in the Performers Street... Subordinated all his life to the art of performance.



5. POSITION AVAILABLE: VIVA! Art Action (Montréal, Quebec)
Deadline date: March 10. 2011; Source: VIVA!


VIVA! Art Action, a performance festival, is currently seeking an Event Coordinator. Under the direction of the Board of Directors, this person will be responsible for organizing the 5-day festival, taking place from October 5 to 9, 2011. Contract starts April 15, 2011 and continues until November 10, 2011. The coordinator will be paid a fixed 10,800$ honorarium. Please note that candidates must be available to work a flexible schedule, with workloads increasing in the month prior to and during the festival period.

- Experience in coordinating art exhibitions and events
- Knowledge of contemporary and performance art, as well as the structure of artist-run-centres
- Strong language skills
- Bilingual English-French, mastery of written French
- Excellent writing skills
- Good team spirit
- Capable of working autonomously and from home

Responsibilities include:
- Planning, supervision and follow-up for presentation activities
- Working closely with the people in charge of communication and of technical aspect of the event
- Maintaining on-going communication with curators and participating artist-run centres
- Managing freelancers and volunteers
- Managing festival budget
- Representation of the festival and its objectives in the artistic milieu, to the media and the public
- Working in collaboration with the Board of Directors and organizational committee to ensure the smooth running of the festival.

Applications should include:
-Letter of intent, CV, names and coordinates of two references.

Please submit job applications by email to: info@vivamontreal.org
Deadline for applications: March 10, 2011
Please note that only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.



6. POSITION AVAILABLE: Hamilton Artists Inc. (Hamilton, Ontario)
Deadline date: March 11, 2011; Source: Hamilton Artists Inc.

Hamilton Artists Inc (the Inc.) is a not-for-profit, artist-run centre with a 35-year history of support for contemporary art practice in the Hamilton arts community. The Inc. is currently looking for a person to fill the Administrator’s position. The position is currently 26 hours per week and would be responsible for:

-Administrative duties related to Membership Development
-Financial Management including a working relationship with the Treasurer and the -Bookkeeper.
-Writing and developing grant applications
-Organizing, supervising and delegating tasks to members, volunteers and interns
-Writing and distributing media releases
-Organizing and attending opening receptions
-Attending monthly Board and committee meetings and preparing reports
-Maintaining communications with relevant organizations and funders

Skills and experience required:
-A great interest/background in contemporary art, curatorial experience an asset
-Previous experience in gallery administration, preferably in the not-for-profit sector
-Strong communication and interpersonal skills
-Exceptional organizational skills and the ability to self-start
-Demonstrated ability to manage an array of tasks on deadline
-Computer skills (Photo shop, Illustrator, Excel, word processing, Quick books)

Interested applicants should mail their cover letter and CV/resume to:
Hiring Committee
Hamilton Artists Inc.
P.O. Box 57125
Jackson Station
2 King Street West
Hamilton, ON L8P 4W9
(905) 529-3355

Deadline: March 11, 2011


7. EVENT: PAErsche performs at Orangerie
Date: March 15, 2011; Source: Boris Nieslony

PAErsche a new built performance art association from NRW/Germany will perform at Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten, 50 677Köln, Volksgartenstrasse 25

PAErsche host around 20 artists from different towns in NRW, included Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Essen.

Intention is to define a platform for performance art with a two months time frame of events for artists from NRW and international passing guests.

E.P.I. Zentrum / ASA-European
Boris Nieslony


8. EVENT: Acting Out, Claiming Space: Aboriginal Performance Art Series in Kingston
Date: March 15-19, 2011; Source: Modern Fuel, Kingston Ontario

In conjunction with the Queen’s Native Students Association’s Aboriginal Awareness Week, Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre is proud to present the Acting Out, Claiming Space: Aboriginal Performance Art Series in Kingston from March 15 to March 19, 2011. Four nationally and internationally celebrated Aboriginal performance artists, Terrance Houle, Skeena Reece, Jordan Bennett and Tanya Lukin Linklater will come to Kingston to take part in the series curated by Daina Warren (Montana Cree) and Carla Taunton. The artists have been asked to consider strategies of acting-out and claiming space, and to engage with the question, what constitutes an “Indigenous space?” The artists will be performing new works and projects or ideas that are currently in development. This performance project centres around Indigenous cosmologies and the performance of stories and explores the way Indigenous peoples place themselves against chosen environments, whether it be home or reserve communities, urban spaces, traditional or spiritual realms, political or historical locales.

Admission to all events is free.
The schedule of events is as follows:

Tuesday March 15
7:30-9:30 pm, Dunning Hall, Room 10, Queen’s University
Film Screening: “Re-framing Voice, Re-imagining Narrative: Aboriginal Film Screening”

Wednesday March 16
7:30-9:00 pm, Bio Science Building, Room1103, Queen’s University
Acting Out, Claiming Space: Artist Panel Discussion

Thursday March 17
5:00-6:00 pm Meet at corner of Union St. and University Blvd
Tanya Lukin Linklater (Alutiiq) “Give me an A!” performance

Friday March 18
7:00-8:30 pm
Meet at Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre (21 Queen St)
Terrance Houle, (Blood) “iniiwahkiimah”

10:00 pm - Aboriginal Awareness Week and Acting Out, Claiming Space Party!
Grad Club, Queen’s University

Saturday March 19
Modern Fuel Artist Run Centre
Heather Igloliorte, (Inuit) “Building Relationships/Fostering Dialogue”

Modern Fuel Artist Run Centre
Jordan Bennett, (Mik’maq) "Pressure Flips"

Kingston Market Square Amphitheatre
Skeena Reece, (Tsimshian/Gitksan/Cree/Metis) “Tim Buck Two: Kingston's Free Zone and Banana Meditation Centre!”

For further information, contact:
Michael Davidge or Bronwyn McLean
Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre  
21 Queen St, Kingston, ON, K7K 1A1  


9. EVENTS: LIFT Silent Auction and Workshops Fundraiser and registration
Date: March 17, 2011: Source: LIFT

Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT)
The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) is an artist-run cultural and educational media arts organization dedicated to celebrating excellence in the moving image.

MARCH WORKSHOPS: Filming Dance with Kaeja d’Dance (will Allan Kaeja), Arduino Interactive Cinema (with Spring 2011 LIFT Artist in Residence) and Interactive, Generative, Video, Audio, Installation Art Intensive!

ShopLIFT on MARCH 17th: Join LIFT in celebrating our 30th anniversary with ShopLIFT, our annual Silent Auction Fundraiser and film karaoke. Get caught stealing the best deals on film production services, gallery memberships, tickets to dance and theatre shows, dinners for two, and many more.

LIFT is supported by its membership, Canada Council for the Arts (Media Arts Section), Ontario Arts Council, Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Government of Ontario and the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council. Full details online at http://www.lift.on.ca/mt


10: CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Central Canadian Center for Performance
Date: March 18, 2011; Source CCCP

Call for Participants + Viewers

In a country as wide and spread out as Canada, covering 9.9 million square kilometers, we at The Central Canadian Center for Performance believe that these distances can’t stop creation and collaboration.

The Central Canadian Center for Performance is calling for performance artist from across Canada and around the world to join us in a non juried international performance festival: Performance Roulette. In this event performers can perform from the comfort of their own home, in front of a web cam in a ChatRoulette style environment.  You will become part of a network of other performers and audiences.

If desirable performers can email us their names (submission@cccponline.net) and we will compile of a list of confirmed participants on our website and promotional material so that audiences can look for their favorite performers.  After that it is simple: log on at www.cccponline.net on March 18 at 7pm Central Standard Time and perform.  On Performance Roulette anything goes.

We will also have a public space available in the center of Canada (Winnipeg), for participants to come out to and participate within a more social context. This also allows anyone who may be less tech savvy, or lacking the necessary hardware, knowledge or bandwidth to participate. The event will take place at AceArtInc., 288 McDermot

For more information and to participate, please visit http://www.cccponlin.net
or contact us at info@cccponline.net


11. WORKSHOP: Studio 303
Date: March 21-25, 2011; Source: Roxanne Angers

Feel Invisible Things with anti-cool
March 21-25, 9:30am to 12:30pm

Studio 303
372 Ste-Catherine West #303


12. EVENT: The Ecosexual WHITE wedding of Annie Sprinkle and Elizabeth Stephens
Date: March 26, 2011; Source: Stefan St-Laurent


Galerie SAW Gallery presents, in collaboration with the La Petite Mort Gallery, University of Ottawa, Sexual Overtones, Venus Envy and Inside Out LGBT Film and Video Festival: The ecosexual wedding of Elizabeth Stephens, Annie Sprinkle and YOU to the Snow.

"Together we will shift the metaphor from 'Earth as Mother' to 'Earth as Lover' and marry the Snow in order to garner more love, care and appreciation for water—and for the sheer pleasure of it."

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Saint Brigid’s Centre for the Arts
310 St. Patrick Street, Ottawa
Gather at 2:30PM
Ceremony at 3PM
Reception from 4:30PM to 6:30PM

For more info about Annie and Beth's past wedding projects: http://www.loveartlab.org

Celebrate the last year of Sprinkle and Stephens' seven-year Love Art Laboratory project as they marry the snow. You can attend as a guest witness, or volunteer to be a guest collaborator. Choose from the list of roles below or offer your own unique contribution. You don’t have to focus on Annie and Beth—your offering can be about the themes of the wedding: Snow, water, ecology, bliss, ecosexuality, white, silver and love.

No talents or special skills are required. Offer whatever you would like to do—as traditional or experimental as you would like it to be. You decide.

Collaborating in an art wedding is a fun and exciting way to express yourself. As a way to say thank you, collaborators will be acknowledged in our official program, in print and online at http:/www.loveartlab.org. Our wedding ephemera is often exhibited in galleries and publications with proper credit given to each artist. Participating in our wedding celebration is a great chance to make friends, spread love to others in the community and raise awareness for environmental causes to show our beloved planet how much we love her/him.

Looking for performance artist–types to be the ring bearer, flower boy/girl/trannie, mother or father of the bride...Play the "organ," create experimental ambient sounds (live or gather recordings), or be the person who objects to the wedding. Offer a song, dance, gesture, ritual or performance. We also need environmental activists to highlight the ecological facts about water issues. (Think Fluxus art, experimental and conceptual art styles. Not variety-show styles.)

Help out with serving, perform, participate or make a toast. Celebrate with us by offering whatever talents or activities you can imagine.

Help produce our wedding! Be an usher, a production assistant or a sound person. Help with the lights or assist the performers. Be our make-up artists or dressing room attendant, or media liaisons or “stage” managers. We will need a hand with all things production...

To make this wedding a truly collaborative community effort, we invite companies, organizations and individuals to sponsor the festivities. Help out by printing programs, donating the food, beverages, wedding cake, flowers, decorations, environmentally friendly dishes and cutlery. All sponsors are credited in our wedding program, in print and online at loveartlab.org, and we will promote you however possible.

Help us remember this day! Take photos, shoot some wedding video, sketch, paint, or tweet, blog or write about the wedding.

Assist with the creation of the wedding programs. Make decorations, flower arrangements, boutonnières, bouquets and party favors. Bring white decorations or help us to make them. Help us make this an unforgettable ecosexual celebration of Annie, Beth and everyone's union to the snow.

Tickets are available in advance at Venus Envy and Galerie SAW Gallery for only $10. All collaborators and performers will be admitted free-of-charge. All guests must wear something white, inspired by our city's beautiful winter snow. Be formal or informal. Be as costumy as you like. Try to outdo the brides! Also, please bring some and all your shredded paper for the ceremony.

For more information or to offer your time and creativity, please contact Wedding Planner Kathleen Nicholls at Galerie SAW Gallery at clubsaw@artengine.ca or (613) 236-6181.


13. EVENT: PAS Project – from me to you
Date: March 27, 2011; Source: BBB Johannes Deimling

PAS Project - from me to you 27th March 2011, at 3pm
Kunstfabrik Am Flutgraben 3 - 12435 Berlin

With “men only” (October 2010) BBB Johannes Deimling has started a series of performance art events with a special focus on performance art practices. The next performance art afternoon with the title "from me to you" will focus on a specific idea of cooperation.

8 young international artists are invited to write a performance for one of the other artists. The audience will see 8 performances performed not by the author of the piece. The artists have been in contact with each other to find ideas for the concept. It is not about showing an individual piece; it is more about drawing attention and respect to the work, the person and to understand the process of creation in a different way. Each performance will not be any longer than 10 minutes. During the breaks we will serve coffee, tea and cake. The event is financed by pas performance art studies and will be documented by Matthias Pick (photo) and Christopher Hewitt (video).

Entrance: 5 Euro

Marion Ritzmann, ch
Andrés Galeano, es
Katharina Kastl, de
Marcio Carvalho, pt
Ida Grimsgaard, no
Marcel Sparmann, de
Ana Alenso, ve
Gabriela Aldrete, mx

All the best from the PASteam / http://pas.bbbjohannesdeimling.de


14. CALL FOR PROPOSALS: ComPeung Grant 2011!
Deadline date: March 31, 2011; ComPeung

We are pleased to advertise the ComPeung Grant 2011!

Due to the success of the 2 grants we were able to give out last year our private grant donor has agreed to continue providing the means for 2 grants in 2011. We are calling for applications for 2 one-month ComPeung AiR artist grants for 2011. The 2 residencies are scheduled for September/October 2011.

Each of the 2 grants cover:
-Air ticket to/from artist’s home country
-Transportation to/from Chiang Mai International Airport
-Small artist fee
-3 home-cooked meals per day
Interested artists are to apply online only by providing:
-ComPeung Application Form (http://www.compeung.org/_images/ComPeungApplicationGrant2011.doc)
-Preliminary proposal of her/his work or project to be undertaken during the grant residency
-Curriculum Vitae (2 pages A4)
-Max 10 images of the work
-Links to sound, video/animation work and/or artist websites
-All documents are to be merged into a single pdf file (not exceeding 5 MB).

Disciplines & Media (open list)
Visual Arts, Media, Architecture, Performing Arts, Literature, Music
Grant application deadline: 31 March 2011. Late applications won’t be considered.

Applications are to be sent to: compeung@yahoo.com
Grant notifications will be emailed by end of May 2011.


Date: April 26-May 1, 2011; Source: Karen Bernard

NEW DANCE ALLIANCE in association with DIXON PLACE presents

25th Anniversary PERFORMANCE MIX FESTIVAL 2011
Dance / Music / Video / Interdisciplinary Performance

New York City
Philadelphia / Portland (OR) / Chicago / Toronto / Cape Town (South Africa)
Exchange/Echange / Montreal
Balkan Express / Bulgaria and Macedonia


Tickets: General $15, Seniors and Students $12, Festival Pass $30,

Tickets will be available at http://www.dixonplace.org


Date: May 3-4, 2011; Source: Verenca Stenke Pagne

This is an open call for participants. It is suitable both for the experienced and inexperienced artists who want to develop their work in performance and an insight the practice artist duo VestAndPage (Germany/Italy).

R.I.T.E.S. Workshop
VestAndPage (Verena Stenke & Andrea Pagnes)
Workshop on the praxis of Performance Art
3 and 4 May 2011
The Substation, Singapore

Program Schedule:
Tuesday 3rd May
10am to 1pm Classroom
1pm to 2pm Lunch
2pm to 6pm Dance Studio

Wednesday 4th May
9am to 5pm Dance Studio

Limited to maximum 15 participants
Fee: S$100

For registration or more info call Reef at: 94301624
or email: arif_ayab@yahoo.com.sg

Participants are required to bring comfortable clothes, one object they feel related to, 2 man-size covers, eg. Bed sheets, sleeping bags.


Established in 1993, FADO Performance Inc. (Performance Art Centre) is a not-for-profit artist-run centre for performance art based in Toronto, Canada. FADO exists to provide a stable, ongoing, supportive forum for creating and presenting performance art. Currently, we are the only artist-run centre in English Canada devoted specifically to this form. We present the work of local, national and international artists who have chosen performance art as a primary medium to create and communicate provocative new images and new perspectives. Thanks to the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council and the Department of Canadian Heritage for their on-going support of our endeavors. To subscribe or unsubscribe from this mailing list, please visit: http://www.performanceart.ca