


FADO E-LIST (May 2005)

FADO E-LIST (May 2005)


1. Changes to Fado e-list format
2. TWO CALLS FOR SUBMISSIONS: Whippersnapper Gallery
Deadlines; May 15 & 30, 2005; Source: Instant Coffee
Deadline: May 15, 2005; Source: Instant Coffee
4. CALL FOR PROPOSALS: "HATCH" Harbourfront Centre
Deadline:May 23, 2005; Source: Instant Coffee
Deadline: May 27, 2005; Source: Dylan Robinson
6. CALL FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Performance Research Vol. 11 (UK)
Deadline: May 27, 2005; Source: Performance Research
7. CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: Locus Suspectus (Montreal)
Deadline: May 30, 2005; Source: Kinga Araya
Deadline: May 30, 2005; Source: Artsadmin e-digest issue 173
Deadline: May 31, 2005; Source: ijosÈ benin
10. CALL FOR SUB MISSIONS: "Artcity Festival" (Calgary)
Deadline: May 31, 2005; Source: Instant Coffee
11. CALL FOR SUB MISSIONS: "Insides, Outsides and Elsewheres" (Edmonton)
Deadline: May 31, 2005; Source: Instant Coffee
12. RESIDENCY FELLOWSHIPS: International Research Centre for the Arts (Japan)
Deadline: June 1, 2005; Source: Sakiko Yamaoka
13. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: "Experimentica 05" Chapter (Wales)
Deadline: June 1, 2005; Source: Chapter Arts Centre
14. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: "Market" Articule (Montreal)
Deadline: June 10, 2005; Source: Articule
15. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: "Open City" Video Pool (Winnipeg)
Deadline: June 10, 2005; Source: Instant Coffee
16. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: "Art in the Air" International Audio Art Festival (Sackville)
Deadline: June 21, 2005; Source: Richard Ibghy
17. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: "Periferias 2005" (Spain)
Deadline: July 15, 2005; Source: Valentin Torrens
18. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: "Dangerous Curve" (USA)
Deadline: ongoing; Source: events@dangerouscurve.org
19. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: "Alopecia Gallery" (Canada)
Deadline: not indicated; Source: Or Gallery
20. CALL FOR COLLABORATORS: International Book Signing (International)
Deadline: not indicated; Source: Linda M. Montano
21. EVENT: "Tit Pin"
Performances May 5 - 16, 2005; Source: Paige Gratland

1. Changes to Fado e-list format

Fado announces some changes to our e-list format beginning with the June 2005 issue. Announcements of Fado events will now be sent out separately from the e-list. This will result in the following changes:

1. The e-list will now be published (to the best abilities of our staff) at the beginning of each month. Submissions for inclusion should arrive by the third week of the preceding month.

2. Announcements of Fado events will be sent out during the month as appropriate, usually approximately a week in advance of the event.

Current subscribers will continue to receive BOTH sets of information. New "subscribe" requests will also receive BOTH sets of information unless the request indicates "events only".

If you wish to receive ONLY Fado events listings, please send an email to info@performanceart indicating your email address with an "events only" message.

These changes are being made
-to allow for a more timely flow of information to e-list subscribers;
-to provide a dependable schedule for contributors wishing to disseminate their information on the list; -and to reduce postings for those who are only interested in receiving events information.

We will continue to archive copies of the Fado e-list on our website at http://www.performanceart.ca/elist.html.

2. TWO CALLS FOR SUBMISSIONS: Whippersnapper Gallery
Deadlines; May 15 & 30, 2005; Source: Instant Coffee

24 Hour Non-Stop Art!
Deadline: May 15th 2005

Whippersnapper Gallery aims to fill its space with 24 artists of all mediums and let them create for 24 hours straight. The madness will begin at 10 pm on May 25th 2005 and carry on for 24 hours. Whippersnapper will be open to the public for these 24 hours, and will hold a formal reception from 7 pm – 11 pm on May 26th 2005. All work created by the participating artists will hang for two weeks.
Insomniacs encouraged. Please see www.whippersnapper.ca for further information and submission details.

Open Call for Submissions of all media from young artists
Whippersnapper’s Early Summer Group Exhibition
Deadline: May 30th 2005

Whippersnapper Gallery is now accepting submissions for its Early Summer Group Exhibition. All mediums are accepted, including but not limited to: photography, sculpture, painting, video, film, digital, design and performance arts pieces. Large works are encouraged. The exhibition will run for the duration of one month. Please see www.whippersnapper.ca for details and submission procedures.

Whippersnapper Gallery is a not-for-profit Toronto based arts organization run entirely by students and young artists for students and young artists. Whippersnapper Gallery exists to showcase young talent of all mediums and strengthen the young arts community. In addition to planning and hosting our own events we do act as a rental space for projects, shows, festivals and or events that fall within our mandate. Rental periods and costs are negotiable. Proposals can be sent to Ryan Hughes at ryan@whippersnapper.ca For further information about Whippersnapper please visit www.whippersnapper.ca

We are currently looking for volunteers to fill several high and low commitment positions.

Deadline: May 15, 2005; Source: Instant Coffee

Do you miss LOLA's shotguns? So do we. Voila, FLACK.

Go to http://www.artflack.ca to view the first issue or pick one up in local galleries. Look for it amongst the postcard invites and it's free.

Contributors Spring Issue
Mary McKenzie
Catherine Lathwell
Stephanie Cormier

You can view Flack on screen or download a printable pdf file at http://www.artflack.ca.

Got a strong opinion on art recently seen and the artist is not, I repeat, IS NOT a buddy, or even a distant relative? Email your review, 150 words or less, to: shotgun@artflack.ca. by May 15th and we will post as many as possible in our Summer web issue at http://www.artflack.ca.

If you have any questions email: mary@artflack.ca

Participate! Support local artists. Write a review.

4. CALL FOR PROPOSALS: "HATCH" Harbourfront Centre
Deadline:May 23, 2005; Source: Instant Coffee

HATCH: emerging performance projects at the Studio Theatre, Harbourfront Centre
Deadline: May 23, 2005

Harbourfront Centre is currently seeking proposals from Toronto-area performing artists and companies for HATCH: emerging performance projects for the 2005/2006 season.

Now heading into its third year, HATCH: emerging performance projects is designed to incubate and foster invention and innovation in the local theatre and performance scene and is quickly becoming an important element in the ecology of local performance development. While the primary focus of the programme is on projects from emerging theatre artists, we also welcome and strongly encourage proposals from more established artists engaging in new collaborations or entering into new artistic territory as well proposals of an interdisciplinary nature. We are particularly interested in proposals that can demonstrate how HATCH will be of benefit to the project or the artist at this particular point in development.

Full details and an application package are available online at http://www.harbourfrontcentre.com/hatch. Or, call 416 952-7969 or email hatch@harbourfrontcentre.com for more information or to receive a package by email or post.

Deadline: May 27, 2005; Source: Dylan Robinson

University of Victoria, BC, Canada
September 8th-11th, 2005

Submissions for papers and proposals for performances, installations and other creative works are now being accepted for the COLLISION Symposium to be held at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada from September 8-11, 2005. 

It is often assumed that Interarts and Interdisciplinary creation involves a seamless integration of two or more distinct artistic practices, and ideally that these practices will easily fuse into a work that can be viewed as an integrated whole. However, as artists who attempt this fusion find, it is often far from easy to integrate disparate media. For the Collisions Symposium we seek presentations and artistic works that examine these difficulties, conflicts, rough seams, uneven mixtures, and the debris and detritus resulting from artistic collisions, as well as presentations that question how artists approach these acts of integration/disintegration. 

We are seeking proposals for conference-length papers and performances that address the issues of Interarts creation/collaboration as a collision between artistic elements and forms. For this symposium we seek to create an atmosphere of interaction between academic discussion and artistic presentation. Consequently, we also encourage presentations that fall between the standard academic paper format, including discussions your interarts/interdisciplinary practice, lecture-performances, and creative works that engage critical interaction. We welcome papers that examine theoretical concepts and/or the development of artistic processes, as well as performances and creative works from within the following areas:

Sound Art
Instrumental Theatre
Immersive Environments
New Music Theatre
Interactive Works
Visual Theatre
Live Art
Video/Visual Poetry
Dance Theatre
Performance Art
Experimental Theatre

We also welcome presentations that examine the following topics or artists:

Total Theatre
Sound Walks
Dramaturgy for Interarts/Interdisciplinary Creation
Collaborative Processes for Interarts/Interdisciplinary Creation
Directing Interarts/Interdisciplinary Creation
Pedagogy of Interarts/Interdisciplinary Creation
Heiner Goebbels
George Aperghis
John Cage
Robert Wilson
Pina Bausch
R. Murray Schaffer
Meredith Monk
Dieter Schnebel
Mauricio Kagel

For Paper Submissions (20-30 minute presentations), please forward an abstract (.doc, .rtf format) of no more than 300 words to Dylan Robinson at dylanr@uvic.ca

For Performances and Creative works please mail submissions to:

Dylan Robinson
Department of Visual Arts
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria BC V8W 2Y2

For Artistic works and Performances Please Include:

1. Documentation of the work including slides, video, DVD, or recordings
2. A short description of the work including requirements for the type presentation space and length of the performance

Please note that we are only able to provide minimal technical support, and no financial compensation for travel or transportation of materials.


Successful applicants will be notified of their acceptance in early June.

6. CALL FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Performance Research Vol. 11 (UK)
Deadline: May 27, 2005; Source: Performance Research

Performance Research Vol. 11 "Lexicon"

"Made to Order "Issue No. 11:1 (Spring 2006)

Editors: Ric Allsopp, Richard Gough, Claire MacDonald

In the spring of 2006 Performance Research will begin its second decade of publication, and we are devoting the four-issues of Volume 11 to an exploration of the terms under which performance is debated, discussed, conducted, written about and constructed, in the form of lexicons and dictionaries, encyclopedias and key words.

Over the past ten years Performance Research has generated issue titles that provoke response and debate, using them to stimulate, frame and respond to current trends in art and performance. The intention has been not merely to offer subjects for discussion, but to extend the imaginative field of performance discourse. Over the decade we have offered titles as 'word play, that is as terms that can be subjected to pressure and so reveal a multiplicity of possible uses and meanings. The list is a long one, but a random sequence might include: refuge, silence, departure, navigation, risk, illusion, generation, voices, correspondence and civility, as well as subjects like archiving, editing, animals, place, the page and theatre itself, that seek to identify subject matter that is significant to current critical and creative practice. In Volume 11 we take our interest in words, discourse, linguistic systems and their relationship to performance practice much further, and to ask artists and writers to consider these in relation to the histories, philosophies and pragmatics of performance, art making and performance writing.

Volume 11 will begin with 'Made to Order', whose call for papers is below. It will continue with two issues on key words, and end with an issue on the nature of the index. We would be interested in proposals from writers and artists who would be interested in contributing to issues over the year, as well as for individual contributions to particular issues.

Issue 11.1 (spring 2006) Made to Order

Issue Editor: Claire MacDonald

What is the relationship between performance practice and the ordering systems that generate and archive it? To begin our anniversary year we are considering ordering systems - encyclopedias, lexicons, dictionaries, lists, stage directions - in relation to the histories, practices, theories and discourses of performance. From Georges Perec's 'A Species of Spaces' to Forced Entertainment's recent performance lexicon, what do dictionaries, lexicons and encyclopedias tell us about their subjects and about their compilers? Conversely, we are also interested in the ways in which systems of order, alphabetical and otherwise, might be conceived of as instances of performance practice in themselves. From the invented alphabets of Lettrism to the transformed visual letters of artist Xu Bing, the notion of performing alphabetical order has been a central part of avant garde practice, and therefore of performance art. We might also consider how patterns and concepts of order work in space and time on the page, in the performance space, in site-specific work and in the book, as well as how performance events and material objects relate to their archival entries? Lists, sequences and series appear in the work of many artists, but how does sequence relate to narrative?
The issue will preface two subsequent issues dealing with performance keywords, not simply terms that are currently crucial to the emerging field as it grows, but 'key words' in the sense for which Raymond Williams coined the term in the 1970s - terms in flux, terms that indicate tension and change or that show shifts in thinking; terms that divide generations, or that continue to provoke dissent. 'Made to Order' is a companion to the projected final issue of the volume, 'Indexical Traces', an issue that looks at the nature of the index as a form and at indexes tell us about the textual and performance forms that they relate to.

Deadlines for issue 11:1 are as follows:

Proposals: 27th May 2005
Draft manuscripts: 18th July 2005
Finalised material: 19th September 2005
Publication Date: Spring 2006

ALL proposals, submissions and general enquiries should be sent direct to:

Linden Elmhirst - Administrative Assistant
Performance Research
Dartington College of Arts, Totnes,
Devon TQ9 7RD UK
tel. 0044 1803 861683
fax. 0044 1803 861685
email: performance-research@dartington.ac.uk
web: http://www.performance-research.net

Content specific enquires should be directed to Claire Macdonald at:

Enquiries about the volume as a whole should be directed to:
Ric Allsopp transomatic@orange.net OR r.allsopp@dartington.ac.uk

For complete Guidelines for Submissions please see:

Performance Research is MAC based. Proposals will be accepted in hard copy, on CD or by e-mail (Apple Works, MS-Word or RTF). Please DO NOT send images without prior agreement.
Please note that submission of a proposal will be taken to imply that it presents original, unpublished work not under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the author(s) agree that the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article have been given to Performance Research.

7. CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: Locus Suspectus (Montreal)
Deadline: May 30, 2005; Source: Kinga Araya

Call for Submissions on Walking

Locus Suspectus, a cultural magazine based in Montreal, seeks textual (English and French) and visual proposals on the theme of walking to inaugurate its first web and paper edition to be published on September 1, 2005.

The phenomenon of walking was born with human civilization. We tend to take walking for granted, not realizing its long and diverse history. Scientists claim that walking on two legs appeared about four million years ago allowing humans to investigate and understand the world differently than do animals. From the Paleolithic stick man, a hunter drawn in the Lascaux cave, through the World's ancient cultures there has always been grand effort put into the representation of walking. Modern and postmodern experimentations of walking continue to fascinate artists, cultural critics and scientists. We invite your critical thoughts on walking, understood here as a rich interdisciplinary phenomenon.

We welcome critical essays, cultural reviews, and creative writing on a broadly defined walking phenomenon. Your written contribution could touch upon (but it is not limited to) interdisciplinary critical examination of walking in diverse socio-political and cultural contexts, reviews of cultural events involving walking, interviews, and creative writing. We especially welcome texts and images of significant walking events that took place in Montreal.

Submission Guidelines
Textual: good, near to completion draft, 1000-2500 words, clear references at the end of your text; rtf format only

Visual: good quality photographs
(black and white only, not bigger than 8”x’10”) or jpg images (must be 300 dpi for the final publication)

Please include to a maximum of 5 pages:
resume, biography, an artist statement (for visual), a research statement (for textual)

Deadline: May 30th, 2005

Please e-mail your submission to locussussuspectus@sympatico.ca or mail it to:

Locus Suspectus
c/o 36 rue Faillon est
Montreal, QC H2R 1K6

We thank you in advance for your contribution. Each submission will be given careful consideration and it will be answered.

Deadline: May 30, 2005; Source: Artsadmin e-digest issue 173

A major new international festival of contemporary art will be held in Denmark in autumn 2007. Treating the Danish public to major works by international artists, the festival aims to set a new standard for art discussion. The festival vows to thematize, actualize and mediate art of our times. Nothing less!

Event Set for Autumn 2007 – Competition Open To Artists and Others In and Outside of Denmark.

The festival will focus on the visual arts, while incorporating other forms of expression of relevance to the chosen theme. As a first step, the Reference Committee is calling for proposals for a festival theme by advertisement in Danish newspapers. May 30, 2005 is the deadline for submitting proposals for a festival theme, along with a preliminary outline of organization and financing. For further information, contact Anette Østerby, Head of the Visual Arts Centre at the Danish Arts Agency on +45 33 74 45 50 - e-mail: aoe@kunststyrelsen.dk

Deadline May 31, 2005; Source: ijosÈ benin

MADRID ABIERTO is a project framed within so-called Public Art i.e. interventions and performances derived from an artistic concept and developed preferably in a public and open context. Interacting with social and political processes, these works are aimed at the active or passive protagonists of such processes, i.e. all those people who, directly or indirectly, regularly or occasionally, live together in a specific physical, communicative, social and symbolic space, in this case, the City of Madrid. After the last two editions great success, the new project competition of artistic installations for Madrid Abierto 2006 is now underway.


1. The aim of this call is to select a minimum of ten projects for temporary or short-term artistic projects to take part in Madrid Abierto along with other guest projects.

2. The projects will take place coinciding with ARCO in February 2006 in Madrid, along the axis of Madrid's Paseo de la Castellana and Paseo del Prado boulevards'.

3. You may enter individual or group projects (for group projects you must name a representative). This call is open to artists of any nationality.

4. Each project must include:
* Curriculum Vitae of no more than 2000 characters and a photocopy of the DNI (Spanish National I.D. card) or an equivalent document of the author or authors' of the project.
* Description of the project of no more than 4000 characters
* A maximum of six outlines and images of the project in jpg format with a resolution of 72 ppp.
* Description of the assembly system and technical requirements
* Approximate and itemized budget, including details of the concepts which may be able to be self-financed.
* Maximum funding for each selected project is 12.000 euros, including all production, transport and assembly costs, the author or authors' fees and all applicable taxes.

5. Projects should be sent by e-mail to: abierto@madriabierto.com, before the 31st of May, 2005 (or by standard post to: Fundacion Altadis-Madrid Abierto, calle Barquillo, no. 7, 28004 Madrid, Spain).

6. The institutes promoting Madrid Abierto shall assign a commission to select the project, presided by the programme director. The commission will select a minimum of ten projects, evaluating the quality and viability of the proposals, as well as the total reversibility of the projects. As we are dealing with projects that will occupy public areas, it will be essential to obtain the corresponding authorisation from the municipal authorities for their installation. If the selected projects make any use of third party images, the artists must provide the express authorisation of the owners of these images for their use in the project.

7. Madrid Abierto reserves the right of publication and reproduction of the selected projects for all case relating to the promotion of the programme, and shall incorporate all generated documentation into its documentary resources and public archives. The projects and works selected shall be the property of the authors and the promoting institutions shall have a preferential right to their possible purchase.

8. Participation in this competition entails full acceptance of the above rules and conditions.

For further information: http://www.madridabierto.com

10. CALL FOR SUB MISSIONS: "Artcity Festival" (Calgary)
Deadline: May 31, 2005; Source: Instant Coffee

Artcity Festival is a celebration of contemporary visual art, architecture and design, held every September in Calgary, Canada. Artcity opens possibilities for conversations, debates and realizations about how and what artists, architects and designers do and how they see and shape the world around us. In 2005, Artcity Festival will explore the ideas and concepts associated with the term "Trans".

The Visual Arts Programming Committee invites submissions for artworks which comply with this year's theme TRANS.

Artists may apply to one or all of the following:

1. Site-specific works throughout the city's downtown core. Work that references the theme TRANS and the urban architecture of the city. Sites and locations include, but are not limited to, storefronts, rooftops,billboards, alleyways, side of buildings, bus stops, sidewalks, train stations, elevators, lamp posts, +15 systems, etc.

2. Three Architectural Peepshow Pavilions. One piece of artwork per pavilion.
(I) The Water Pavilion- 8 x 8 x 16 glass box that sits just above the water in the Olympic Plaza fountain. Please keep in mind works may be in contact with water. An additional production fee of $1000 will be awarded to supplement the cost of this work.
(II) Peep Box- A public viewing piece, located next to a bench, in which the passerby may stop and glance inside peep holes to view artwork.
(III) Signals - A box that mimics a pedestrian signal light and sits approximately 8 to 10 above ground best suited for video.

3. Video/Film Shorts dealing with the theme TRANS.
Shorts should be under 15 minutes in length. NTSC format, local, regional, national and international
submissions welcome.

4. The Art Central Special Site. Art Central invites works dealing with the theme TRANS for an installation work for 24 x 20 cross beams beneath a skylight above a three story atrium. A production fee of $1000 will be awarded by Art Central to supplement the cost of works at this site.

All media will be considered, including time-based work such as video, audio and performance art.
Emerging artists are encouraged to submit. Exhibiting artists will be paid at minimum CARFAC rates for a regional, non-touring, group exhibition. Please visit our website for greater details:


Please include the following in your submission:
Submissions must include:
- Curriculum vitae
- Artist's statement
- Proposed work
- Proposed site/venue requirements
- 10-20 slides and/or other relevant support material
- Special technical/installation requirements
- A self-addressed stamped envelope

Video/ Film Submissions
- VHS or DVD preview copy
- Curriculum vitae
- Title/length/date/country of production
- Brief description or synopsis of video/�lm
- List of previous screenings of submitted work (if applicable)
- Exhibition format/requirements
- Self-addressed, stamped envelope

Visual Arts Exhibition
c/o Karilynn Ming Ho
Artcity Festival
#200, 137 8th Avenue SW
Calgary AB T2P 1B4
QUESTIONS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO: Karilynn Ming Ho at: visualart@art-city.ca

More info online http://www.art-city.ca

11. CALL FOR SUB MISSIONS: "Insides, Outsides and Elsewheres" (Edmonton)
Deadline: May 31, 2005; Source: Instant Coffee

The Canadian Association of Cultural Studies invites you to join us at the University of Alberta Telus Conference Centre in Edmonton Alberta, October 20 - 22, 2005.

We are now accepting abstracts of 150 words for our conference entitled: "Insides, Outsides and Elsewheres". To elicit and address the wide range of work being done under the rubric of cultural studies, we are including both themed and non-themed sessions in this call for papers.

Please note that if you are submitting an abstract to a themed session you must submit directly to the identified session organizer by May 31, 2005. If you are submitting an abstract to the open call for papers please direct them, by the same date, to: cacs@ualberta.ca or by mail to:

Canadian Association of Cultural Studies (CACS)
c/o Department of Educational Policy Studies
7-104 Education North
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB, T6G 2G5

Abstracts may not be sent to both a themed session as well as the open call. Electronic submissions are preferred, but hard-copy abstracts are also accepted. Papers should be no longer than 15-20 minutes long, and presenters must be members of CACS by the time of the conference. Membership information and registration will be available at the conference and is also accessible on our website at www.culturalstudies.ca.

Please send all other inquiries to CACS at cacs@ualberta.ca or (780) 492-0773.

Download the full call with the session organizers information:

12. RESIDENCY FELLOWSHIPS: International Research Centre for the Arts (Japan)
Deadline: June 1, 2005; Source: Sakiko Yamaoka

International Research Center for the Arts (IRCA)
Kyoto University of Art and Design (KUAD)
2-116 Uryuyama, Kitashirakawa,
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8271 JAPAN