FADO presents four performance environments dealing with the sense of taste. Featured artists in this final 'gustatotry' component of the Five Holes series, include Tejpal S. Ajji (Toronto), Jess Dobkin (Toronto), The Gyrl Grip (USA), and Irene Loughlin (Vancouver).
Taste is perhaps the most 'personal' of all the senses. It is both primal – providing the impulses that drive consumption – and individualized: one person's desire is another's poison. While the word 'taste' is often associated with the concept of aesthetic discernment, Matters of Taste places its emphasis on a specific, visceral definition of taste: the perception of flavour and texture that takes place inside our mouths. This series explores the implications of a sense that operates through the placement of foreign material inside one's body. Matters of Taste is not concerned with the familiar social terrain of banquets and dinner parties so much as the links between physical sensation, unconscious/conscious drives, and our mouths as a point of contact with the external world. How does one orchestrate a performance for another's mouth? What are the dynamics that seduce, persuade or convince others to put things in their mouths? What are we or aren't we willing to put in our mouths? What intentions are bound up in the impulse to stimulate one's taste buds? What does our sense of taste reveal about our internal desires and external projections?