



Numb/Hum: A Subterranean Metropolitan Opera by Christine Carson

Wednesday / Nov 1 / 00
6:15 am - 8:45 am

Osgoode Subway Station
Christine Carson

FADO is pleased to present Christine Carson's Numb/Hum: A Subterranean Metropolitan Opera, as part of the ongoing Public Spaces / Private Places series.

For the first three days of November, Toronto subway commuters used to the familiar sounds of moving crowds, screeching wheels, electronic warning signals may find themselves encountering something unexpected. NUMB / HUM is an urban intervention that will bring at least 40 singers to a subway platform to hum harmonically in relation to the surrounding aural landscape. Arriving anonymously and unobtrusively in street clothes, the singers will perform the work for half an hour each morning during rush hour over the course of three days.


Presented in conjunction with the 3rd 7a*11d International Performance Art Festival.




[ Public Spaces / Private Places ]

+ PHOTO GALLERY: Numb/Hum A Subterranean Metropolitan Opera