Dunk a Performance Artist DUNK TANK EVENT
Fun-raiser and all around good time!
For 2 bucks you can have a shot at soaking your favourite local performance artist!
Performance artists have some serious balls. FADO Performance Art Centre
proudly gives you the chance to take those balls and throw them at your
favourite performance artist. Join us at the FADO Performance Artist Dunk
Tank at the Big on Bloor Festival on July 23rd and take your best shot!
Dunk-able Artists:
Keith Cole
Darren O’Donnell
Julian Higuerey Núñez
David Frankovich
Laura Paolini
Simla Civelek
Irene Loughlin
Tino Schuellermann
Thom Sevalrud
Jennifer Matotek
Risa Kusamoto
Moynan King
and many others!
Proceeds go to future ballsy performance programming at Fado Performance Art Centre. Thanks to Heather Haynes, Toronto Free Gallery, Henry Chan, Johnson Ngo, Don Simmons, and the participating artists for making this event possible.