



Commitment Issues

November 16 + 17, 2011
(see below for details)

Jess Dobkin

Commitment Issues: an evening of performance art @ Oasis Aqualounge
Wednesday November 16
7:00pm - 10:00pm

Join us for the performance event (featuring 6 performances over 3 hours) and stay to enjoy Oasis Aqualounge's amenities from 10pm to closing time. Bring your bathing or birthday suit. Locker and towel service available. Admission restricted to patrons 19+ years of age.

Processing: Artist' Panel & Reception @ Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse
Thursday November 17
7:30pm - 9:30pm

The panel is co-sponsored by the Graduate Centre for Study of Drama at the University of Toronto and the Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies at the University of Toronto.


Commitment Issues
Curated by Jess Dobkin

Cassils (Montréal/Los Angeles)
MC Coble (USA/Denmark)
Alicia Grant (Toronto)
Dominic Johnson (UK)
Dana Michel (Montréal)
The Pole Club (Toronto)

Curated by Toronto performance artist Jess Dobkin, Commitment Issues presents the work of five artists and one collective who use their bodies as primary source material to investigate qualities and dimensions of commitment—to ideas, to performance, to audience and to the artists themselves. Through play, risk, intimacy and sexuality, these artists transcend fixed social, psychological, physical and spiritual notions of commitment.

Further confounding the interplay of fixed notions of commitment, Commitment Issues uses as its venue Oasis Aqualounge, home to Toronto's preeminent swinger's club. Performance sites will include the outdoor heated swimming pool, steam room, hot tub and locker room. Audiences are invited to stay late and enjoy all of Oasis Aqualounge's amenities that also include a sauna, two bars and multiple lounges. Locker and towel service provided. Bring your bathing suit or birthday suit.

In addition, the artists and curator engage in a panel discussion entitled Processing at the Studio Theatre, 4 Glen Morris Street, University of Toronto on November 17 from 7:30-9:30 pm.


Image credits (clockwise from top left): temporary tattoo by Lisa Kiss Design. Dana Michel photo by John Londono. Cassils photo care of the artist and Robin Black. Dominic Johnson photo by Manual Vason. MC Coble photo courtesy Conner Contemporary Art. Alicia Grant photo by Andrea de Keijzer. The Pole Club photo courtesy of The Pole Club. All photos copywrite the artists.


Click here to download the program brochure with curatorial essay:


[ Special Presentations ]

+ ARTICLE: Cozying up to Commitment by David Bateman (Xtra Magazine)
+ ARTICLE: Juicy Shoot by Sasha Van Bon Bon (NOW Magazine)
+ IMAGE GALLERY: The Pole Club
+ IMAGE GALLERY: Teresias by Cassils
+ IMAGE GALLERY: Jack by Dana Michel
+ IMAGE GALLERY: Transmission by Dominic Johnson
+ IMAGE GALLERY: Tidemaker by Alicia Grant
+ IMAGE GALLERY: Fighting Cocks by MC Coble
+ DOWNLOAD PDF: Commitment Issues brochure