



That's OK by Denis Romanovski

Thursday / Oct 25 / 12
8:00 pm

Mercer Union
1286 Bloor Street West, Toronto
Denis Romanovski

FADO Performance Art Centre is proud to be partnering with the 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art to present the work of three of Scandinavia's most dynamic performance artists: Tomasz Szrama (Poland/Finland), Denis Romanovski (Belarus/Sweden) and Magnüs Logi Kristinsson (Iceland/Finland).

Denis Romanovski will be presenting a solo performance work entitled That's OK during the festival on Thursday October 25; as well as a guerilla performance in the form of a tour of the Toronto subway system on Saturday October 26.


That's OK Manifesto (fragment) *

To mean nothing – that's OK.
To have money and to be hungry – that's OK.
To do nothing under surveillance – that's OK.
To wait for better times and to be still alive – that's OK.
To hate museums and rebellions – that's OK.
To sing for old people and to dance with strangers – that's OK.

* That's OK Manifesto written in collaboration with KKH students.


Presented at the 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art
October 24–28, 2012


[Photo credit: That's OK. Worldcassrun performance with KKH students. 2012. Photo by Andreas Fägerskjöld.]


[ 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art (1997 - 2014) ]

+ BLOG: Denis Romanovski on the 7a*11d Festival Blog
+ IMAGE GALLERY: That's OK by Denis Romanovski
+ IMAGE GALLERY: Museum Tour by Denis Romanovski
+ VIDEO GALLERY: That's Ok by Denis Romanovski COMING SOON