Big Yawn by Yoshimichi Takei
Yoshimichi Takei has developed an original performance style based on his background in Butoh dance and Japanese ‘avant-garde mime’. In his work, Takei engages in a ‘collaboration’ between his body and various electronic instruments, including light bulbs, sensors and everyday appliances.
Big Yawn offers a duet between Takei’s body and a light/sensor/sound system that he wears. As he executes a range of motion from frenzy to stillness with focused grace and precision, Takei creates not just a dance, but also a score of light and sound. At the same time, he offers a complex emotional journey shaded with humour and passion.
Hailed as being in the forefront of contemporary Japanese dance, Takei’s work is presented regularly in dance and performance festivals throughout Japan and has been seen in Europe and New York. Big Yawn marks his Canadian debut.
Co-sponsored by A Space.